him with food, bestows food upon him: for this reason he sprinkles him with the remaining (material).
13. He sprinkles with (Vag. S. IX, 30), “At the impulse of the divine Savitri, (I sprinkle) thee, by the arms of the Asvins, by the hands of Pashan!' he thus sprinkles (consecrates) him by the hands of gods ;—'I place thee in the leading of Sarasvatt Vâk, the leader;' for Sarasvati is Vâk (speech): he thus places him in the leading of Vâk, the leader.
14. Here now some say, 'I place thee in the leading of the leader of all the gods;' for all the gods are the All: he thus places him in the leading of the leader of the All. But let him not say so; let him rather say, 'I place thee in the leading of Sarasvati Vak;' for Sarasvati is Vak: he thus places him in the leading of Vak.— I consecrate thee, N. N., with the supreme rulership of Brihaspati !' therewith he mentions the (Sacrificer's) name : he thus makes him attain to the fellowship of Brihaspati, and to co-existence in his world.
15. He then says, ' All-ruler is he, N. N.! Allruler is he, N.N.!' Him, thus indicated, he thereby indicates to the gods : 'Of mighty power is he who has been consecrated; he has become one of yours; protect him!' thus he thereby says. Thrice he says it, for threefold is the sacrifice.
According to the Taittirîyas (Taitt. S., vol. I, p. 1049), the Sacrificer is made to sit on the black antelope skin, with his face to the east, with a small gold and silver plate placed on either side of him; and he is then sprinkled in front, on the head, so that the liquid runs down to his mouth, thus symbolizing the entering of food and strength into him.
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