I, 9. Prayer for earthly and heavenly success.
1. Upon this (person) the Vasus, Indra, Pashan, Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, shall bestow goods (vasu)! The Adityas, and, further, all the gods shall hold him in the higher light!
2. Light, ye gods, shall be at his bidding : Surya (the sun), Agni (fire), or even gold! Inferior to us shall be our rivals! Cause him to ascend to the highest heaven!
3. With that most potent charm with which, O Gatavedas (Agni), thou didst bring to Indra the (soma-) drink, with that, О Agni, do thou here strengthen this one; grant him supremacy over his kinsmen!
4. Their sacrifice and their glory, their increase of wealth and their thoughtful plans, I have usurped, () Agni. Inferior to us shall be our rivals! Cause him to ascend to the highest heaven!
VI, 38. Prayer for lustre and power. 1. The brilliancy that is in the lion, the tiger, and the serpent; in Agni, the Brahmana, and Surya (shall be ours)! May the lovely goddess that bore Indra come to us, endowed with lustre!
2. (The brilliancy) that is in the elephant, panther, and in gold; in the waters, cattle, and in men (shall be ours)! May the lovely goddess that bore Indra come to us, endowed with lustre!
3. (The brilliancy) that is in the chariot, the dice, in the strength of the bull; in the wind, Parganya, and in the fire of Varuna (shall be ours)! May the
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