bull, with thee here, O asvattha, may we conquer our rivals!
5. May Nirriti (the goddess of destruction), O asvattha, bind in the toils of death that cannot be loosened those enemies of mine whom I hate and who hate me!
6. As thou climbest up the trees, O asvattha, and renderest them subordinate, thus do thou split in two the head of my enemy, and overcome him!
7. They (the enemies) shall float down like a ship cut loose from its moorings! There is no returning again for those that have been driven out by the displacer.'
8. I drive them out with my mind, drive them out with my thought, and also with my incantation. We drive them out with a branch of the asvatthatree.
VI, 75. Oblation for the suppression of enemies
(nairbâdhyam havih). 1. Forth from his home do I drive that person yonder, who as a rival contends with us: through the oblation devoted to suppression Indra has broken him to pieces.
2. Indra, the slayer of Vritra, shall drive him to the remotest distance, from which in all successive years he shall not again return!
3. He shall go to the three distances, he shall go beyond the five peoples; he shall go beyond the three ethers, whence he shall not again in all successive years return, while the sun is upon the heavens!
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