they yoked the horse at first;' for the Gandharvas indeed yoked the horse at first: 'May they who yoked the horse at first yoke thee!' this he thereby says; they laid speed into him,'-he thereby says, 'May they who laid speed into it, lay speed into thee!'
9. He then yokes the left horse, with (Vâg. S. IX, 8), 'Become thou swift as the wind, O courser, being yoked!'-thereby he says, 'Become quick as the wind, O courser, being yoked;'-'be thou as Indra's right (steed) in beauty!'—he thereby says, 'Even as Indra's right (steed) for beauty, so be thou that of the sacrificer for beauty!'-'May the allknowing Maruts yoke thee!' he thereby says,
may gods yoke thee!'-' May Tvashtri lay speed into thy feet!' in this there is nothing obscure. He then yokes the right side-horse; for in human (practice) they indeed yoke the left sidehorse first, but with the gods in this way.
10. He yokes it, with (Vâg. S. IX, 9), 'What speed hath been secretly laid into thee, O courser, and what (speed), bestowed on the eagle, went along in the wind;'-he thereby says, 'what speed of thine, O courser, is hidden away even elsewhere, therewith win this our sacrifice, Pragâpati!'-'with that strength be thou strong and wealth-winning for us, O courser, and victorious at the gathering!'-wealth means food: he thus means to say, 'And be thou a food-winner for us at this our
I, 7, 7, 2) this formula runs thus: 'Either Vâyu, or Manu, or the Gandharvas, the twenty-seven, harnessed the horse at first, laid speed into him,'-which Sâyana, however, interprets as meaning, 'Vâyu, and Manu, and the (twenty-five) Gandharvas,--these seven and twenty &c.'
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