therewith, perfect thyself1!'-'Let thy burning heat reach the sham-man! let thy burning heat reach him whom we hate!' he thereby lays burning heat into the sham-man, and into him whom he hates.
33. Then that of the horse, with (Vâg. S. XIII, 48), 'Harm not this one-hoofed animal!' the one-hoofed animal doubtless is the same as the horse thus, do not harm that one!-'the racer neighing among the racers;' for neighing indeed he is, and a racer among racers;- The wild fallow (beast) do I assign unto thee,' he thereby assigns to him the wild fallow (beast)2;—' building up therewith thy forms, get thee settled!' that is, building up therewith, perfect thyself!'-'Let thy burning heat reach the fallow beast! let thy burning heat reach him whom we hate!' he thereby lays burning heat into the fallow beast, and into him whom he hates.
34. Then that of the bull, with (Vâg. S. XIII, 49), 'This thousandfold, hundred-streamed well-,' for a thousandfold, hundred-streamed well he, the bull (cow), indeed is;-extended in the middle of the flood,' the flood doubtless are these worlds: thus, subsisted upon in these worlds;-'the inexhaustible, milking ghee for man,'-for ghee this inexhaustible (cow) indeed milks for man ;
1 This paraphrase does not make it clear how the author construes and interprets this part of the formula; especially in what sense he takes 'nishîda.'
2 Thus Mahîdhara (gauravarnam mrigam). In the St. Petersburg dictionary 'gaura' is taken here in the sense of 'buffalo, bos gavæus.' The parallelism in the next two formulas might indeed seem to point to that meaning.
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