so great he thus builds him. Eight bricks he 'settles' five times, that makes thirteen,-thirteen months are a year, and there are thirteen layers of earth in the fire-altar: as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, so great does this become.
33. He then puts on a space-filling one: the significance of that one (will be explained) further on1. Three there are in front 2,-threefold is Agni : as great as Agni is, as great as is his measure, so great he thus builds him;-and ten those that follow-the significance of these (will be explained) further on. Or first two, then ten, and then one, for in this way they build up the pile, these amount to thirteen: the significance of this has been told.
34. Both these kinds (of bricks) amount to twentyone; there are twelve months, five seasons, these three worlds, and yonder sun as the twenty-first: that sun he thus establishes in this fire-altar.
35. Moreover, there are twenty-one enclosingstones, twelve months, five seasons, these three worlds, and that Agni from yonder (sun) as the twenty-first this Agni he thus establishes in yonder sun. And inasmuch as he puts on those (bricks) in this way, he thereby establishes those two (the sun and the fire) in each other, and (accordingly) those two are established in each other; for both of them he now makes out to be the twenty-first, and both
1 VIII, 7, 2, I seq.
2 Viz. one in the north-east, and two (of half the size) in the south-east corner.
Viz. one in the south-west, and one in the north-west corner; and further, eight more filling up the four segments of the circle. See the outline of the Gârhapatya altar at p. 302.
Or, perhaps that Agni on yonder sky (or fire-altar?). In any case it is the sun that is referred to."
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