(verses) he offers : he thereby interlinks (combines thoroughly) the clay and the water.
18. He offers with ghee; for the ghee is a thunderbolt: he thus makes the thunderbolt its (or his, Agni's) protector. The ghee, moreover, is seed: he thus pours forth seed,—with the sruva-spoon; for the sruva (m.) is a male, and the male pours forth seed, with 'Svâhâ (hail !),' for the Svâhâkâra (m.) is a male, and the male pours forth seed.
19. (Vag. S. XI, 23 17 Upon thee I sprinkle with thought, with ghee,'—that is, 'upon thee I offer with thought and ghee;'-'that dwellest near all beings,'—for he (Agni) indeed comes to dwelt near every being ;-'thee, large and great with side-spent force,'--for large he is, and directed sideways, and great with force, with smoke; - most ample through food, and fierce to look at,'—that is, 'capacious with food, a consumer of food, and flaming.'
20. (Vag. S. XI, 24] From all sides I sprinkle the hitherward looking,'—that is, 'from every side I offer upon the hitherward looking ; '-'with spiteless mind let him relish this,'—that is, 'with unchafing mind may he relish this; '-'Agni, glorious as a wooer, and of pleasing colour,'for Agni is indeed glorious as a wooer, and of pleasing colour ;-'not to be touched, while raging with his body,'--for not to be touched is he, whilst flaming with his body.
21. With two (verses) he offers; for the Sacrificer
* Rik S. II, 10, 4, beginning, however, ' I sprinkle Agni with a ghee-oblation.'
s Mahidhara and Såyana (Rik S. II, 10, 5) take 'maryasrî' in the sense of resorted to, or worshipped, by men.'
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