sitting,-one who has gained a posi
tion in the world is anointed
sitting, IV, 227. six, its symbolic meaning, III, 268,
six, it , 69 Tis Adityaa thud, v,252
i formira oblike the
shodomos para panahon ni
pati, III, 21, 22; man, 174; Pragâpati, space, IV, 62; Pragapati, the year, 76; food, 79; the
chest, V, 163. shadaha, sixty in the gavam ayanam,
V, 147; the two kinds (Pria shtbya and Abhiplava) are two revolving wheels of the gods, crushing the sacrificer's evil, 149; The two kinds to be worked into each other like the threads of one web, 149; alter
nate in sattra, 162 n. shaddbotri formula, V, 121. shastrimsa-stoma, is the firmament,
the year, IV, 65. sheep (see avi, and ram ;) pro
duced in the form of dvipada metre, IV, 38; with sheep's wool malted barley bought at
Sautrâmani, V, 319. shodasa-stoma, gained by Aditi, 111,40. shodasin (sacrifice), III, introd. xvi
seq., xxiii; victims of, 13; forms part of Kesavapaniya Atirâtra, IV, 405; twelve in the year's
session, V, 147. shodasi-graba, belongs to Indra,
III, 6. shodasi-stotra, III, 127. shoes, of boar-skin, III, 102; he
who has performed Râgasuya is never to stand on ground
without shoes, 129. sick man, when he gets better, asks
for food, IV, 87. sickle, the crops go nigh to, III, 327. side, right side of animal the
stronger, IV, 115. silk-cotton tree. See cotton tree. silver, piece of, tied to a darbha plant
and taken eastwards (as the moon), V, 196; gold and silver plates (lightning and hail) beneath feet of Sacrificer whilst consecrated at Sautrâmari, 251; as dakshina, 357; silver plate
inserted under sand, 462. Sinivali, is Våk, III, 231; pap to
her, (the extreme end of) one
of the four regions, IV, 264. sipita, (? bald part), V, 9. Sipivishta, ( bald), Vishnu, V, 9. siras, etymology (sri, sri), III, 144,
145, 401. sisna, man sports therewith, V, 76.
sixteenfold, is Âditya as the wielder
of the fifteenfold thunderbolt, IV, 85; animals (cattle), V, 252;
man, animal, universe, 303 n. sky (dyaus), union with the sun
(Aditya), III, 149; connected with Parameshthin and Aditya, 188; is the waters, 216; fashioned by the Adityas by means of Gagati, 234; udder of, is the waters, 284; is Pragâpati's head, 313, 317; sheds seed in the form of rain produced by smoke (steam), 383; the seat of the waters, 416; is blissful (sambhQ), IV, 88; above the third luminous back of the sky is the world of righteousness (sukrita), 129; is the left wing of the Agni-Pragapati, the altar and universe, 179; is the bigher abode, 209; the highest home, 203; steadied by clouds and stars, V, 126; connected with Indra, 241; the sky, rain, the first conception, 315, 389; is, as it were, yellow, 467; is a place of abode for all the gods,
505. slaughtering-knife. See knife. sleep, not to be disturbed, as during
it the union of the two divine persons in the eyes takes place, IV, 371; mouth of him who has been asleep is clammy, 371; in sleep man's functions cease,
372, sloka (noise, praise), pârtha-oblation
to, III, 82. smasâna. See burial-place; ety
mology, V, 423. smoke, is the breath of the sacrifice,
III, 340; is seed shed by the earth, and becomes rain, 383;
is the vigour of fire, IV, 250. snake, is neither worm, nor non
worm, III, 90; are the people of Arbuda Kadraveya, the Sar
pavidyå their Veda, V, 367. Snataka, 'may initiate the Unnetri
priest, V, 137.
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