fire-altar); coming to life again, one attains immortal life, 357; the Amrita threefold, 365; by performing the animal sacrifice once a year-the year being life-one gains immortal life,
V, 119. immortality, is light (ruk), III, 383;
IV, 238; man's highest form, IV, 147, 177; the highest thing in the universe, 148, 181; is the vital airs, 178; the nectar of immortality (Soma), the Agnikit consecrated therewith, 251, 252; the nectar of immortality, Soma, departs from the gods and is recovered by penance, 255, 256; the immortality bestowed on Agni and Sacrificer, 256; beyond the year lies the wisho granting world, the immortal (immortality) which is the light (arkis) that shines yonder, 322; it is to the other world what
life is to this, 327. impure speech, if used, the vital airs
pass away, V, 326. Indra, performed Vågapeya and won
everything, III, 3; is the kshatra, 3, 59; IV, 329; is the Sacrificer, III, 13, 54; by eleven syllables gains the Trishtubh, 40; slays Vritra by cakeoffering, 45; is energy and vital power, 46,82; generative power, 46; with Agni smites the Rakshas, 51; eleven-kapala cake to, 59; bull his sacrificial animal, 60; Indra syeshtba, pap of red rice to, 70; by anointing Indra, the gods guide him past his enemies, 74; by drinking Soma, Indra becomes a tiger, 81, 92; pårtha-oblation to, 82; calls on Maruts staying on Asvattha tree, 84; Indra Vriddhasravas, 89; kills Namuki, 92; mystically called Arguna, 99; ratbavimo kaniya oblation to, 102; Indra Visaugas, 109; assists Varuna, 113; samsrip-oblation (eleven-kapåla cake), 116; partkabila oblation on south part of vedi, 120, 121; fee a buli, 122; slays Visvarûpa, Tvashtri's son, 130; Indra Sutraman, 135;
eleven-kapâla cake at Sautramani, 136, 137; is the central vital air, 143 ; etymology (indh) 'the kindler,'143; is breath, 154; bull slaughtered to him, 162 ; repels Vritra, 179; afraid of Vritra not being killed, enters the waters, 365; takes away Pragàpati's vigour (ogas) to the north, 374; becomes Pragapati's left arm, 374 ; sour curds (dadhi) belong to him, 374; ruler of the kshatra, IV, 74; is Aditya, 92; Indra's heaven is the undiminished virag, 94; ousted from this world by wrong sacrificial procedure, 94; protector of the south, 101; connected with Rudras, pa kadasastoma, praüga-sastra, brihatsâman, 101; the gods draw together round Indra, 127; magnified by all beings, 140; the greatest of charioteers, 140; to him belongs the 'purisha' of the altar, 140; equal to all the gods, 140; Indra the highest, mightiest, and strongest of gods, assisted by Brihaspati, fights the Asuras, 192; is Apratiratha (irresistible car-fighter), 192; of trishtubh nature, 262; the deity of the sacrifice, 262; Indra Vimridh, verses to, 376; Agni and Indra created as brahman and kshatra, 342; they join each other as gold man and gold plate, 343; they are the light and immortal life, 343; they are the firealtar (Agni the bricks, Indra the purîsha), 343; for killing Vritra, &c., is deprived of the Soma-drink, and Kshatriyas with him, 345, n. ;-Indra Vimridh, (additional) cake at Fullmoon, V, 5, 6; Indra slays Vritra by Full-moon offering, 6; Indra Pradâtri, clotted curds for, at New-moon, 8; Indra Vritrahan, expiatory elevenkapala cake at New-moon, II; statements regarding his battles mere illusion, 14; Indra created out of Pragápati with a life of a thousand years, 15; Indra
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