became immortal, V, 5; created from Pragâ pati's breath of the mouth, 13; the tales of their fights with the Asuras not true, 14; created by the Brahman, and placed in the three worlds and those above them, 37; were mortal, and only on being possessed of the Brahman, became immortal, 28; daily offering to them with svâbâ, 96; contend with the Asuras for Pragâpati, the sacrifice, 105; number of gods (8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, 13 Adityas, Indra, Pragapati), 115 seq. ; the one god, Prâna, 117; the world of the gods in the north, 225; the path of the Fathers, and that of the gods, by one of which all living creatures have to pass, 237, 238;
all the gods' enumerated as ten, 280, 281; are of three orders, 291; did not know the way to heaven, 320; Dharma Indra their king, the Saman their Veda, 370; reside on earth, in the air, the heavens, the regions, the nakshatras, the waters, 505, 506; Agni, Vayu, Sürya, Kandra, Varuna are the
Self of the gods, 505, 506. gold, is immortal life, III, 35, 84,
93, 265; IV, 343; V, 239; gold tbreads woven in strainers, 111, 84; its uses, 141; produced from ore, (147), 138; is immortal, 203; is light, 366; IV, 343; V, 103, 303; immortality, V, 147, 203; is Agni's seed, 187; a piece of it tied to darbha plant and taken westward (as the sun), 195; originates from Indra's seed, 215; a piece of it used for purifying the surå at Sautrâmani, 220, 235, 236; sacrificers and priests cleanse themselves by means of piece of gold held over kâtvåla, 239; originates from seed of immolated horse (Pragàpati), 375; (satamana) piece given as fee with brahmaudana at beginning of Asvamedba, 375; by means of the golden light Sacrificer goes to heaven, 303; is a form
of the Kshatra, 303; is fire, light, immortality, 348; as dakshina, 356, 358; gold stools and cushions, 360, 361; slab of gold as seat, 361; repels the Rakshas (as Agni's seed), 467; dissolves (melts), 493; is lying
(settled) glory, 503. gold brick, III, 155, 166. gold chips, thrust into the organs
of) the victims' heads, III, 403-404; fire-altar bestrewed with 5 and 200, IV, 146 seq. ; make Agni thousand-eyed, 201; some thrown into ghee for oblation on svayamåtrinna of) completed altar, 182; these chips complete making Pragapati's body immortal, 291, 294 ; seven inserted in the seven openings of vital airs of dead body before being burnt, V,
203. gold coin (nishka) worn as prize, V,
(51), 53. golden egg, produced from the pri
mordial waters, V, 12; floated about for a year, as the only
resting-place, 12. gold man (purusha), laid on gold
plate in first layer, III, 366; is Pragàpati-Agni, 366; the Sacrificer, 368, 387; when laid down, one must not walk in front of him, 369; two offeringspoons his arms, 373; covered and viewed by Sacrificer whom he represents, 375, 376; is the Sacrificer's divine body, 382; his body co-extensive with altar, IV, 18, 146; gold nian and gold plate are Agni and Indra, 342; is the man in the sun, and both are the man in the right eye, 368; is the foundation of the Yagus, as one of the only three bricks of which
the altar consists, 374. gold plate, III, 35; trodden upon
by consecrated king, 9a; with 100 holes, 93; (gold piece) on gaming - ground offered upon, 112; hung round Agnikit's neck, 265; is the truth and Aditya, 365; with twenty-one knobs, the sun's rays, 265; means vital
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