meditating, Indra and Agni, and Visvakarman saw the air, as a second naturally-perforated layer : hence he lays on that (brick ?) by means of Indra and Agni, and Visvakarman.
4. Vâyu said to them, I will step nigh!'Wherewith!'— With the regions!'--'So be it!' He thereby doubtless meant to say, 'with the regional (bricks?) :' hence on the second naturally-perforated one the regional ones are laid, without being separated from its; and hence not separated from the air are the regions, the wind; for not separated therefrom he (Vâyu) stepped nigh with this (brick).
5. They said, “Meditate ye yet!'-whereby no doubt they said, 'Seek ye a layer! seek ye (to build) from hence upwards!' Whilst they were meditating, Parameshthin saw the sky, as a third naturally-perforated layer: whence it is by Parameshthin (the most high) he lays on that (brick 4).
This second naturally-perforated brick, representing the air, forms the centre of the third layer of the altar. See VIII, 3. I, I seq.
* That is, the bricks marking the regions, or quarters (disya); five of these are laid down immediately after the self-perforated one, in the four directions from it, two of them being laid on the south. See VIII, 3, 1, II.
: Viz. without being separated from the layer which the second svayam-âtrinnâ represents. They would seem to lie about a foot away from the central brick; but as no other special brick lies between them, they may on that account be considered as not separated from it.
• The third svayam-atrinnâ, though considered as forming part of the fifth layer, is really laid on the top of it or rather on the
punaskiti'-an additional pile of eight bricks laid over the central, gârhapatya-like, portion of the fifth layer (cf. VI, 6, 1, 14, with note). It is laid down with the formula May the Most High settle thee 1'--and on it the fire is subsequently placed. See VIII, 7, 3, 13 seq.
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