as great as is his measure, so great does this become.
35. The omentum and the animal cake, that makes sixty ;-sixty are the days and nights of a month: thus he gains the month; the month gained gains the season; and the season (gains) the year : he thus gains the year, Agni, and the wishes which are contained in the year, and what other food than that there is in the year, all that (he gains).
36. And for that (victim) of Pragâpati there are twenty-one kindling-verses, and twelve Apri-verses, that makes thirty-three ;-eleven after-offerings, eleven by-offerings, that makes fifty-five ;-omentum, animal cake, and chief oblation, that makes fifty-eight: whatever wish is contained in the fiftyeight, that he gains even here !;-two libations of ghee, that makes sixty : whatever wish is contained in the sixty, that he gains even here; and what other food than that there is in the year, all that (he gains).
37. And for that (victim) of (Vayu) Niyutvat, there are seventeen kindling-verses, and twelve Åprfverses, that makes twenty-nine;-eleven after-offerings, and eleven by-offerings, that makes fifty-one;omentum, animal cake, and chief oblation, that makes fifty-four ;-two libations of ghee, two (oblations to Agni) Svishtakrit, that makes fifty-eight : whatever wish is contained in the fifty-eight, that he gains even here ;-the wood-lord” (tree) and the oblation of gravy, that makes sixty: whatever wish is con
? ? That is, also in this calculation, or in the parts of the sacrifice here enumerated.
. For the oblation to Vanaspati, see part ii, p. 208; for the vasáhoma, ib. 205.
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