he thus gratifies. He offers whilst mentioning names, with (Vág. XXII, 23–33), 'To the in- (and out-) breathing hail! to the off-breathing hail'l'... he thus gratifies them by mentioning their names. (Vág. S. XXII, 34), "To one hail! to two hail! ... to a hundred hail! to a hundred and one hail!' He offers in the proper order : in the proper order he thus gratifies them (the gods). He performs oblations successively increasing by one ?, for single, indeed, is heaven : singly he thus causes him (the Sacrificer) to reach heaven. Straight aways he offers in order to the winning of heaven; for straight away, as it were, is heaven.
6. But, verily, he who offers the oblations straight
* These eleven anuvâkas consist of altogether 149 such short dedicatory formulas-addressed to the vital airs, the regions, the waters, wind, fire, &c.-each ending with "svâhâ (hail).' These are followed, in anuvâka 34, by formulas addressed to the cardinal numbers from 1 to 101; succeeded by two formulas addressed to the dawn and to heaven respectively,—all of these again ending with 'svaha.' The Annahomas themselves, offered by the Adhvaryu's assistant, the Pratiprasthâtri, are not, however, limited to any number ; but their performance is to be continued throughout the night in such a way that each of the four threehours' watches of the night is to be taken up with as many oblations of one of the four kinds of offering materials—in the order in which they are enumerated in the text-as can be got into the space of three hours. The formulas addressed to the cardinal numbers-(which are on no account to extend beyond 101)-are apparently supposed amply to suffice to fill up the time till dawn, when the Adhvaryu makes an oblation of ghee to the Dawn, followed by one to Heaven (or the realm of light) after sunrise.
? That is, in offering with the formulas addressed to the cardinal numbers.
• That is to say, without repeating any formula, or commencing again from the beginning, when the whole series is exhausted.
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