Inasmuch as man is what is measured a hundred hundred and eight hundred, therefore they say :-0 often does man regularly? breathe and expel the air by day and night.
THIRD BRÂHMANA. 1. The gods were once performing the initiation ceremony for a (sacrificial session) of a thousand years. When five hundred years had passed with them, everything here was worn out-to wit, Stomas, and Prishthas, and metres (texts).
12. The gods then perceived that unexhausted element of the sacrifice, and by means of that unexhausted element they obtained what success there was in the Veda ; and, verily, for him who thus knows this, the Vedas are unexhausted, and the work of the officiating priests is performed with the unexhausted threefold science.
3. Now, this is that unexhausted element of the sacrifice :-0-srâvaya, astu sraushat, yaga, ye yaga mahe, and vaushats. In these five utterances there are seventeen syllables :-o-sråvaya consists of four syllables, astu sraushat of four syllables, yaga of two syllables, ye yagåmahe of five syllables;
4. And the Vashat-call consists of two syllables. This is the seventeenfold Pragapati, as established in the deity and in the body, and, verily, whosoever thus knows that seventeenfold Pragå pati, as established in the deity and in the body, establishes himself by offspring and cattle in this, and by immortality in the other, world.
See note 2 on p. 169. For these sacrificial calls, see part i, p. 142, note 2.
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