Svarasâmans to the Vishuvat, the Vishuvat to the Svarasâmans, the Svarasâmans to the Visvagit, the Visvagit to the Prishthya, the Prishthya to the Abhiplava, the Abhiplava to the Go and Âyus, the Go and Ayus to the Dasarâtra, the Dasarâtra to the Mahâvrata, the Mahâvrata to the Udayaniya Atirâtra, the Udayaniya Atirâtra to the world of heaven, to the resting-place, to plenty.
12. Such, indeed, are the wilds and ravines of sacrifice, and they (take) hundreds upon hundreds of days' carriage-drives; and if any venture into them without knowledge, then hunger or thirst, evil-doers and fiends harass them, even as fiends would harass foolish men wandering in a wild forest; but if those who know this do so, they pass from one duty to another, as from one stream into another, and from one safe place to another, and obtain well-being, the world of heaven.
13. As to this they say, 'How many onward, and how many backward days are there? Well, those which are performed once each are onward days, and those which are performed repeatedly are backward days: let him at least consider these 1 as backward ones, for in accordance with the course of the Shadahas he himself moves.
1. The Year, indeed, is Man;-the Prâyantya Atirâtra is his breath, for by means of the breath men go forward (prayanti); and the Ârambhantya
1 Or, 'meditate upon these' (? worship these); see p. 155,
note I.
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