verily, such (sacrificers) are seated (sad) in the good' (place), for they are for ever seated among the good deities; and the others are mere partakers in the sacrificial session 2; and if any one were, during a sacrificial session, to speak evil of such initiates as know this, let them say to him, 'We cut thee off from those deities;' and he becomes the worse, and they themselves become the better for it.
23. That same year contains three great rites (mahâvrata): the great rite on the Katurvimsa day, the great rite on the Vishuvat day, and the great rite on the Mahâvrata day itself. Now, those of old used, indeed, to enter upon (perform) that (year's session) with three great rites, and they became glorious, truth-speaking, and faithful to their vow; but if nowadays any (sattrins) were to perform it on this wise, they assuredly would crumble away even as a jar of unbaked clay would crumble away if water were poured into it. They (who do so) perform too much that (object) of theirs is gained by truth, by toil, by fervid devotion, by faith, by sacrifice, and by oblations.
1. The Year, indeed, is Man;-the opening (prâyantya) Atirâtra is his feet, for by means of their
'Or, in the true, abiding (place)-sati.
? That is, those who perform a sacrificial session (sattra) without their possessing the esoteric knowledge regarding the several ceremonies, set forth in the preceding paragraphs, are mere 'sattrasadah' (i. e. merely 'sitting through the sacrificial session') whilst those possessing that knowledge are 'sati sadah.'
That is, more especially, the chanting of the Mahâvrata-sâman, for which see part iv, p. 282, note 5.
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