into Ushas'. There a boy (kumâra) was born in a year: he cried.
9. Pragâpati said to him, “My boy, why criest thou, when thou art born out of labour and trouble?' He said, 'Nay, but I am not freed from (guarded against) evil ; I have no name given me : give me a name!' Hence one should give a name to the boy that is born, for thereby one frees him from evil ;-even a second, even a third (name), for thereby one frees him from evil time after time.
10. He said to him, 'Thou art Rudra?' And because he gave him that name, Agni became suchlike (or, that form), for Rudra is Agni : because he cried (rud) therefore he is Rudra. He said, 'Surely, I am mightier than that: give me yet a name!'
11. He said to him, Thou art Sarva. And because he gave him that name, the waters became suchlike, for Sarva is the waters, inasmuch as from the water everything (sarva) here is produced. He said, 'Surely, I am mightier than that: give me yet a name!'
12. He said to him, “Thou art Pasupati.' And because he gave him that name, the plants became suchlike, for Pasupati is the plants: hence when cattle (pasu) get plants, then they play the master 3 (patly). He said, 'Surely, I am mightier than that: give me yet a name!'
13. He said to him, 'Thou art Ugra. And
On the legend regarding Pragậpati and his daughter Ushas, see I, 7, 4, 1 seq.
? On this and several of the other names, see part i, p. 201. .: As, when a horse gets much corn, it becomes spirited, masterful.' The St. Petersburg dictionary suggests the meaning, they become strong.' It might also mean,' they lord it (over the plants).'
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