two (principal) breathings, the out-breathing and the up-breathing', it is the out-breathing and the upbreathing he thus lays into him ;-then the whole (verse): there being this one vital air (in man), he thus lays the whole vital air into the whole of him.
16. As to this they say, 'When one has admitted a Brahmana to a term of studentship, he should not carry on sexual intercourse, lest he should generate this Brâhmana from shed seed; for, indeed, he who enters on a term of studentship becomes an embryo.'
17. And concerning this they also say, ' He may nevertheless do so, if he chooses; for these creatures are of two kinds, divine and human,-these human creatures are born from the womb, and the divine creatures, being the metres (verses of scripture), are born from the mouth: it is therefrom he (the teacher) produces him, and therefore he may do so (have intercourse) if he chooses.'
18. And they also say, 'He who is a Brahmakârin should not eat honey, lest he should reach the end of food, for honey, doubtless, is the utmost (supreme) essence of plants.' But Svetaketu Âruneya, when eating honey, whilst he was a student, said, 'This honey, in truth, is the remainder (essential part) of the triple science (the Vedas), and he, indeed, who has such a remainder, is an essence.' And, indeed, if a Brahmakârin, knowing this, eats honey, it is just as if he were to utter either a Rik-verse, or Yagusformula, or a Sâman-tune: let him therefore eat freely of it.
'That is, the breath of the mouth, and that of the nostrils.
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