right arm of his; the oblation to Agni thereof this thumb; that to Soma this (fore-finger); and that to Savitri this (middle finger).
2. That cake (to Savitri), doubtless, is the largest, and hence this (middle finger) is the largest of these (fingers). That (oblation) to Sarasvatt is this (third) finger; and that to Pushan this (little finger). And that (oblation) to the Maruts is this joint above the hand (the wrist); and that to the Visve Devâh is this (elbow'); and that to Heaven and Earth is this arm: this (oblation) is indistinct', whence that limb also is indistinct 3.
3. The Varuna praghâsa offerings are this right leg, the five oblations which this has in common (with the other Seasonal offerings) are these five toes; and the oblation to Indra and Agni is the knuckles: this (oblation) belongs to two deities
Savitri; 4. a pap to Sarasvati; 5. a pap to Pushan-these first five oblations recur at all seasonal offerings;-6. a cake on seven potsherds to the Maruts; 7. a dish of clotted curds to the Visve Devâh; 8. a cake on one potsherd to Heaven and Earth.
1 It would rather seem that what is intended here by 'samdhi' is not the joints themselves, but the limbs (in the anatomical sense) between the articulations. Similarly in 'trishandhi' in parag. 7.
That is to say, it is a low-voiced offering, the two formulas, with the exception of the final Om and Vaushat, being pronounced in a low voice. All cakes on one potsherd are (except those to Varuna) of this description; Kâty. Sr. IV, 5, 3; Âsv. Sr. II, 15, 5; cf. Sat. Br. II, 4, 3, 8.
'That is, not clearly defined; the word 'dos,' which is more usually restricted to the fore-arm, being also used for the whole arm, and even the upper arm.
The Varunapraghâsâh, or second seasonal sacrifice, has the following oblations:-1-5. the common oblations; 6. a cake on twelve potsherds to Indra and Agni; 7. 8. two dishes of clotted curds for Varuna and the Maruts respectively; 9. a cake on one potsherd for Ka (Pragâpati).
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