let him begin for him in a high tone and conclude in a low tone; and he will thereby become poorer.
7. And the level one, indeed, it is when he concludes in the same tone in which he has begun : whoever should wish that any one should be neither more prosperous nor poorer, let him conclude for him in the same tone in which he has begun ; and he will thereby become neither more prosperous nor poorer.
8. And the ascending one, indeed, it is when he begins in a low tone and concludes in a high tone: whoever should wish that any one should be more prosperous, let him begin for him in a low tone and conclude in a high tone; and he will thereby become more prosperous.
9. And the feeble one, indeed, it is when he calls for the Sraushat in a thin, long-drawn, toneless way: is, in that case, any one were to say of him, 'Surely, this Adhvaryu has made the Sacrificer feeble, and submissive to his spiteful enemy,' then that would indeed be likely to come to pass.
10. And the outward-tending (bahih-sri) one, indeed, it is when he opens his lips wide and utters his call at a high, toneless pitch : tone being prosperity, he thereby puts prosperity (srl) outside (bahis) himself, and becomes hungry (poor).
11. And the inward-tending (antah-sri) one, indeed, it is when he closes his lips, and utters his call at a loud, toneful pitch : tone being prosperity, he thereby puts prosperity (sri) inside (antah) himself, and becomes an eater of food (rich).
in case he (the priest) thinks he has not been treated liberally enough by his patron, or for some other reason.
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