the northern country. By him a gold coin was offered; for in the time of our forefathers a prize used to be offered by chosen (priests) when driving about, for the sake of calling out the timid i to a disputation. Fear then seized the Brâhmanas of the northern people :
2. This fellow is a Kurupañkala Brahman, and son of a Brahman-let us take care lest he should deprive us of our domain: come, let us challenge him to a disputation on spiritual matters.' - With whom for our champion ?'_' With Svaidâyana.' Svaidâyana, to wit, was Saunaka.
3. They said, 'Svaidâyana, with thee as our champion we will fight this fellow. He said, "Well, then, stay ye here quietly: I will just make his acquaintance ?' He went up to him, and when he had come up, he (Uddalaka) greeted him saying,
er verursachte einen Anflauf' (he caused people to crowd together, or to come to him in crowds). Sayana, however, takes it in the same sense as we have done,-artvigyâya vritah sann udagdesân gagama. The Gopatha-Br., further on, has the remark 'sa vai gotamasya putra ûrdhvam vrito dhâvît' (!).
It is by no means certain whether the interpretation of the paragraph as here adapted is the right one. Prof. Geldner takes it thus, — He (Udd.) had taken a gold piece with him; for in times of old the chosen (priests) who caused a crowd to gather round them, used to take a single gold piece with them with a view to their proposing a riddle (or problem) whenever they were afraid.' The Gopatha-Br. has a different reading, which is likewise far from clear :-tasya ha nishka upåhito babhůva, upavádâd bibhyato yo må brâhmano s nûkâna upavadishyati tasmå etam pradásyâm îti;-by him a gold coin was offered (? by him a gold plate had been put on, i.e. was wom round the neck) being afraid of obloquy (?): I shall give this to any learned Brahman who will speak up against me,' thus (he thought). ? Or, I'll just find out what kind of man he is.
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