13. As to this they ask, “Who is the better one, the self-offerer, or the god-offerer ?' Let him say, 'The self-offerer;' for a self-offerer, doubtless, is he who knows, 'This my (new) body is formed by that (body of Yagña, the sacrifice), this my (new) body is procured thereby. And even as a snake frees itself from its skin, so does he free himself from his mortal body, from sin; and made up of the Rik, the Yagus, the Saman, and of offerings, does he pass on to the heavenly world.
14. And a god-offerer, doubtless, is he who knows, I am now offering sacrifice to the gods, I am serving the gods,'—such a one is like an inferior who brings tribute to his superior, or like a man of the people who brings tribute to the king : verily, he does not win such a place (in heaven) as the other.
SEVENTH BRÂHMANA. 1. The Sacrifice is the Year; and, verily, sacrifice is offered at the end of the year of him whoso knows that the sacrifice is the year; and all that is done in the year comes to be gained, secured, and won for him.
2. The officiating priests are the seasons; and, verily, sacrifice is offered at the end of the seasons of him whoso knows that the officiating priests are the seasons; and all that is done in the seasons comes to be gained, secured, and won for him.
3. The oblations are the months; and, verily, sacrifice is offered at the end of the months of him whoso knows that the oblations are the months ;
Upadhiyate upasthaprate, Sây.
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