them with evil, and owing to this it was that they were overcome; whence people say, 'Not true is that regarding (the fight between) the gods and Asuras which is related partly in the tale and partly in the legend; for it was even then that Pragâpati smote them with evil, and it was owing to this that they were overcome.'
10. Therefore it is with reference to this that the Rishi has said, 'Not for a single day hast thou fought, nor hast thou any enemy, O Maghavan : illusion is what they say concerning thy battles; no foe hast thou fought either to-day or aforetime.'
11. Now what daylight, as it were, there was for him, on creating the gods, of that he made the day; and what darkness, as it were, there was for him, on creating the Asuras, of that he made the night they are these two, day and night.
12. Pragâpati bethought himself, 'Everything (sarva), indeed, I have obtained by stealth (tsar) who have created these deities:' this became the 'sarvatsara,' for 'sarvatsara,' doubtless, is the same
'samvatsara (year).' And, verily, whosoever thus knows samvatsara' to be the same as 'sarvatsara',' is not overcome by any evil which, by magic art, steals upon him (tsar); and whosoever thus knows samvatsara' to be the same as C vatsara,' overcomes against whomsoever he practises magic art.
" sar
13. Pragâpati bethought himself, 'Verily, I have created here a counterpart of myself, to wit, the year;' whence they say, 'Pragâpati is the year;' for he created it to be a counterpart of himself:
1 Or, whosoever knows the 'all-stealing' power of the year.
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