Sankh. XVI, 10, 1. Pragâpati, having offered the Asvamedha, beheld the Purushamedha : what he had not gained by the Asvamedha, all that he gained by the Purushamedha l; and so does the sacrificer now, in performing the Purushamedha, gain thereby all that he had not gained by the Asvamedha. 2, 3. The whole of the Asvamedha ceremonial (is here performed); and an addition thereto. 4-8. First oblations to Agni Kama (desire), A. Dåtri (the giver), and A. Pathikrit (the path-maker)... 9. Having bought a Brahmana or a Kshatriya for a thousand (cows) and a hundred horses, he sets him free for a year to do as he pleases in everything except breaches of chastity. 10. And they guard him accordingly. 11. For a year there are (daily) oblations to Anumati (approval), Pathyå Svasti (success on the way), and Aditi. 12. Those (three daily oblations) to Savitri 2 in the reverse order. 13. By way of revolving legends (the Hotri recites) Narasamsâni ...XVI, 11, 1-33 enumerate the Narasamsâni 3, together with the respective Vedic passages.—XVI, 12, 1-7. There are twenty-five stakes, each twenty-five cubits long ...; and twenty-five Agnîshomîya victims. 8. Of the (three) Asvamedha days the first and last (are here performed). 9-11. The second (day) is a paikavimsa-stoma one ... 12. The Man, a Gomriga, and a hornless (polled) he-goatthese are the Prâgapatya 4 (victims). 13. A Bos Gaurus, a Gayal, an elk (sarabha), a camel, and a Mâyu Kimpurusha (2 shrieking monkey) are the anustaranáh. 14-16. And the (other) victims in groups of twenty-five for the twenty-five seasonal deities ... 17. Having made the adorned Man smell (kiss) the chanting-ground, (he addresses him) with the eleven verses (Rig-v. X, 15, 1-11) without 'om,' — Up shall rise (the Fathers worthy of Soma), the lower, the
1 The Asvamedha section of the same work begins:-Pragapati desired, May I gain all my desires, may I attain all attainments.' He beheld this three days' sacrificial performance, the Asvamedha, and took it, and offered with it; and by offering with it be gained all his desires, and attained all altainments. ? See XIII, 4, 2, 6-17.
See p. xxxii. See XIII, 2, 2, 2 seqq.
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