created (set free). It pervaded everything here; and because it pervaded (ap) whatsoever there was here, therefore it is called) water (apah); and because it covered (var), therefore also it (is called) water (vâr).
10. He desired, “May I be reproduced from these waters!' He entered the waters with that triple science. Thence an egg arose. He touched it.
Let it exist! let it exist and multiply !' so he said. From it the Brahman (neut.) was first created, the triple science. Hence they say, 'The Brahman (n.) is the first-born of this All. For even before that Person the Brahman was created: it was created as his mouth. Hence they say of him who has studied the Veda, that'he is like Agni ;' for it, the Brahman (Veda), is Agni's mouth.
11. Now the embryo which was inside was created as the foremost (agri) : inasmuch as it was created foremost (agram) of this All, therefore it is called) Agri: Agri, indeed, is he whom they mystically call ? Agni; for the gods love the mystic. And the tear (asru, n.) which had formed itself 3 become the 'asru' (m.): 'asru' indeed is what they mystically call'asva' (horse), for the gods love the
of the universe, and the parallelism between Vâk and ddyos, see Weber, Ind. Stud. IX, p. 473 seq.; Muir, Or. S. T. V, p. 391. Thus Pank. Br. XX, 14, 2, ' Pragâpati alone existed here. He had Vak indeed as his own, as a second to him.
· Muir takes this differently,-Further, (as) the Veda was first created from that Male, therefore it was created his mouth. This translation, however, takes no account of the particle 'hi.' . For the construction, see above, paragraph 2, with note.
Literally, which had flowed together. It is explained as the embryonic liquid in the amnion, or innermost membrane enveloping the foetus.
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