practices, but only to those who know does that world belong.
17. The welkin is the earth-fillings (between the layers of brick); the moon the oblations; the Nakshatras (lunar mansions) the fire-logs,-because the moon resides in (or with) the Nakshatra, therefore the oblation resides in the fire-wood: that', indeed, is the food of the oblation, and its support; whence the oblation does not fail (na kshiyate), for that is its food and its support. And what are called 'the gods' they are the space-filling (brick); for by (naming) the gods everything here is named.
18. It is regarding this that it is said by the Rik (X, 12, 3), The All-gods have gone after this thy Yagus,' for all beings, all the gods, indeed, become the Yagus here. Thus this whole Agni comes to be the space-filler; and, verily, whosoever knows this, thus comes to be that whole (Agni) who is the space-filler.
19. Now, these (amount to) twenty-one Brihatis; and the heavenly world being the twenty-one-fold and the Brzhatt-this (altar) thus comes to be equal to the heavenly world, and to the twenty-one-fold Stoma and the Brihati metre.
1. Kusri Vâgasravasa once built a fire-altar. Susravas Kaushya then said to him, 'Gautama, when thou wert just now building up Agni, didst thou build him with his face forward, or backward, or downward, or upward?
Viz. the staying (of the moon) in, or with, the Nakshatras, whose name is then made use of for a fanciful etymology.
2 That is, Kusri Gautama, (son and) disciple of Vâgasravas.
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