54. He then offers a dish of clotted curds to Mitra and Varuna1. Now he who performs this (Agni-kayana) rite comes to be with the gods; and these two, Mitra and Varuna, are a divine pair. Now, were he to have intercourse with a human woman without having offered this (oblation), it would be a descent, as if one who is divine would become human; but when he offers this dish of clotted curds to Mitra and Varuna, he thereby approaches a divine mate 2: having offered it, he may freely have intercourse in a befitting way.
55. And, again, as to why he offers this dish of clotted curds to Mitra and Varuna. When Pragâpati was released, the seed fell from him. When the gods restored him, they, by means of this dish of clotted curds, put seed into him; and in like manner does this (Sacrificer) thereby put seed into him.
56. Now that Pragâpati who became released is this very fire-altar which is here being built; and the seed which fell from him is this dish of clotted curds of Mitra and Varuna; for Mitra and Varuna are the in-breathing and up-breathing, and the inbreathing and up-breathing fashion the infused seed. A dish of clotted curds it is, because seed is milk; and sacrifice it is, because sacrifice is the seed of sacrifice. In a low voice it is (offered), for silently seed is shed. At the end (of the sacrifice) it is (offered), for from the end seed is introduced.
The same payasyâ-oblation is performed at the Dâkshâyana modification of the new and full-moon sacrifice (II, 4, 4, 10 seq.); see also the Sânnâyya of the new-moon sacrifice (part i, p. 178, note 4) which is the same dish.
Or, he enters into a divine union.
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