moon) is the Gandharva: his Apsaras are the stars; for as a Gandharva the moon, indeed, went forth with the stars as the Apsaras, his mates ;-- 'Luminous (bhekuri) by name; '-light-giving (bhâkuri1) these, indeed, are called, for the stars give light; may he protect this our priesthood and nobility!' the meaning of this has been explained.
10. 'The Agile,'-that is, the swift, 'all-expansive, for the wind (air), indeed, makes up all this expanse; 'Vâta (the wind) is the Gandharva: his Apsaras are the waters,- for as a Gandharva the wind, indeed, went forth with the waters as the Apsaras, his mates;-Viands (ûrg) by name,'-the waters, indeed, are called 'ûrgah,' for food is produced from the waters;-may he protect this our priesthood and nobility!' the meaning of this has been explained.
11. 'The beneficent, well-winged,'-beneficent (bhugyu 2) indeed is the sacrifice, for the sacrifice benefits all beings,-' Yagña (the sacrifice) is the Gandharva: his Apsaras are the offeringgifts, for as a Gandharva the sacrifice, indeed, went forth, with the offering-gifts as the Apsaras,
This etymological explanation of 'bhekuri' is doubtful. 2 The real meaning of bhugyu in this passage is very doubtful; while it usually means 'flexible,' the St. Petersburg Dictionary here tentatively assigns to it the meaning 'adder.' Whether the author of the Brahmana really connects it with 'bhug (bhunakti)," 'to enjoy, benefit' (instead of with 'bhug,' 'to bend '), or whether the explanation is merely meant as an etymological play of words, is not clear. Mahîdhara indeed derives it from the former root, in the sense of 'to protect.' The order of the words 'yagno vai bhugyuh' would properly require to be rendered by-The 'bhugyu' doubtless is the sacrifice.
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