when the Vashat is uttered, with both an invitatory formula (anuvâkyâ) and an offering-formula (yâgyâ); with the hand the others sitting, with the Svâhâ-call: he thus makes the clan subservient and obedient to the chieftain.
17. As to this they say, 'How do these (Mâruta oblations) also come to be offered for him by the offering-ladle, at the Vashat-call, and with invitatory and offering formulas?' Well, the first three feet of those seven-footed Mâruta (verses), being a three-footed Gâyatri, are the invitatory formula, and the last four, being a four-footed Trishtubh, are the offering-formula. The one is the bowl, and the other the handle (of the offering-ladle), and the Svâhâ-call is the Vashat-call: in this way, then, these (Mâruta oblations) also become offered for him by the offering-ladle, at the Vashat-call, and with invitatory and offering-formulas.
18. And the first Mâruta (cake) which he offers on the right (south) side, is the seven (rivers) which flow eastwards. It is one of seven potsherds, for there are seven of those (rivers) which flow eastwards.
19. And the first (cake) which he offers on the left (north) side, is the seasons; it is one of seven potsherds, for there are seven seasons.
20. And the second (cake) which he offers on the right side, is animals; it is one of seven potsherds, for there are seven domestic animals. He offers it close to the preceding one (representing the rivers): he thus settles animals near water.
21. And the second (cake) which he offers on the left side, is the seven Rishis; it is one of seven potsherds, for the seven Rishis are seven in number.
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