be able to) obtain only two or three Soma-drinking grandfathers: hence let him steal forth after enumerating those same deities1.
5. For, surely, it was by those same deities that Varuna obtained the Soma-draught of that (Consecration-ceremony); and in like manner does this one now obtain the Soma-draught of that (ceremony): let him therefore steal forth after enumerating those same deities. Now as soon as the completing oblation of that Consecration-ceremony comes to an end,
6. He prepares those (samsrip) oblations,—a cake on twelve, or eight, potsherds for Savitri; for Savitri is the impeller of the gods: impelled by Savitri, Varuna on that occasion stole along; and in like manner does this one now steal along impelled by Savitri. At this (oblation) he presents one lotusflower 3.
7. He then prepares a (rice) pap for Sarasvati,for Sarasvati is speech, and it was with speech that Varuna on that occasion stole along; and in like manner does this one now steal along with speech. At this (oblation) he presents one lotus-flower.
8. He then prepares a cake on ten potsherds for Tvashtri,-for Tvashtri (the fashioner, creator) rules over living forms, and with Tvashtri, the living forms, Varuna on that occasion stole along; and in
That is to say, after pronouncing the mantra, Vâg. S. X, 30, agreeing partly with paragraph 2 above, viz. beginning, 'By Savitri, the impeller; by Sarasvatî, speech,'. and ending, 'by Vishnu, the tenth deity, impelled I steal forth.'
For the Udavasânîyâ ish/i, see part ii, p. 389.
The lotus-flowers presented on this occasion are gold ones, according to Sâyana, or optionally ordinary white or gold ones, according to Kâty. XV, 8, 5-6.
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