(shining, or ruling): he thus bestows all food on him. On all (four) sides he places them: from all sides he thus bestows food on him.
3. [He lays them down, with, Vậg. S. XV, 4. 5), •The Course metre,'--the 'course' metre, doubtless, is this (terrestrial) world ;-'the Expanse metre,'—the 'expanse' metre, doubtless, is the air ; 'the Blissful metre,'—the 'blissful' metre, doubtless, is the sky ;-'the Encircler metre,'— the 'encircler' metre, doubtless, is the regions ;-'the Vestment metre,'— the 'vestment' metre, doubtless, is food ;-' the Mind metre,'—the 'mind' metre, doubtless, is Pragâpati; 'the Extent metre,' --the 'extent' metre, doubtless, is yonder sun.
4. The Stream metre,'—the 'stream' metre, doubtless, is the breath ;—'the Sea metre,'-the 'sea' metre, doubtless, is the mind ;-'the Flood metre,'—the 'flood' metre, doubtless, is speech ;'the Kakubh (peak) metre,'--the 'Kakubh'metre, doubtless, is the out(and in)-breathing;-'the Threepeaked metre,'—the 'three-peaked' metre, doubtless, is the up-breathing ;-'the Wisdom metre,'— the 'wisdom' metre, doubtless, is the threefold science ;-'the Arikupa metre,'—the · Arikupa 1 ' metre, doubtless, is the water ;-'the Aksharapankti metre, -the Aksharapankti (row of syllables) metre, doubtless, is yonder (heavenly). world ;'the Padapankti metre,'—the Padapankti (row of words or steps) metre, doubtless, is this (terrestrial) world ;—'the Vish târapankti metre,'—the Vishtârapankti (row of expansion) metre, doubtless, is the regions;—'the Bright Razor metre,'--the 'bright
'A word of doubtful meaning (? drinking its own windings).
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