16. And, again, as to why he places these two in this (layer),—this Agni is Pragậpati, and Pragâpati is the year: what (part) of him there is above the waist, and below the head, that is this fourth layer, and that is the winter-season of him (or, of it, the year). And when he places these two in this (layer), he thereby restores to him what part of his body these two (constitute). This is why he places these two in this (layer).
THIRD BRÂHMANA. 1. He then lays down the Srishtis? (creations). For Pragàpati, having freed all beings from evil,
1 The seventeen Srishlis are to be placed round the centre, along the retahsik range, in such a way that nine bricks lie south THE CENTRAL PART OF THE FOURTH LAYER.
(Seventeen srishi and two ritavyâ.)
and eight bricks north, of the spine ; and that five bricks form the southern side, and four bricks each of the three other sides. Whilst the bricks of the south side are further specified as consisting of a brick, a foot square, lying on the cross-spine, being flanked on both sides by half-foot bricks, and these again by square bricks ; no particulars are given regarding the other sides. Most likely, however, as indicated in the accompanying sketch, four square bricks, two on each side of the cross-spine, are to form the left (north) side, whilst the front and hind sides are to consist of two
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