times, or a thousand times, they could not lay breath into it. Whatever breath there is in the (main) body that alone is the breath: hence when he lays down the Prânabhritah (breath-holders), he thereby lays breath, the (power of) contraction and expansion, into it; and so it contracts and expands. He then lays down two Lokamprinâ (bricks) in that corner': the meaning of them (will be explained) further on ?. He throws loose earth (on the layer): the meaning of this (will be explained) further on s.
THE SECOND LAYER. SECOND 'ADHYAYA. First BRÂHMANA. 1. He lays down the second layer. For now the gods, having laid down the first layer, mounted it.
Viz. in the south-east corner, or on the right shoulder, of the altar. From these two lokamprinâs (or space-fillers) he starts filling up, in two turns, the still available spaces of the body' of the altar, as also the whole of the two wings and the tail. For other particulars as to the way in which these are laid down, see VIII, 7, 2, I seqq. The 'body' of an ordinary altar requires in this layer 1028 lokamprinâs of three different kinds, viz. a foot (Ind.), half a foot, and a quarter of a foot square, occupying together a space of 321 square feet, whilst the 98 special (yagushmali) bricks fill up a space of 79 square feet. Each wing requires 309 lokamprinas of together 120 square feet; whilst the tail takes 283 such bricks, of together 110 square feet. The total number of lokamprinâs in the layer thus amounts to 1929 of all sizes, equal to 671 square feet. If (as is done in Kâty. Srautas. XVII, 7, 21) the 21 bricks of the Gârhapatya (part iii, p. 304) are added to this number, the total number of lokamprinâs is 1,950. Similarly, in the second, third, and fourth layers; whilst the last layer requires about a thousand lokamprinâs more than any of the others, viz. 2,922, or, including the special hearths, 3,000. The total number of such bricks required-including the 21 of the Garhapatya-amounts to 10,800. Cp. Weber, Ind. Stud. XIII, p. 255. See VIII, 7, 2, I seq.
3 See VIII, 7, 3, i seq.
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