which he places in the middle are that body of his. He places these in the region of the two retahsik (bricks), for the retahsik are the ribs, and the ribs are the middle, and that body is in the middle (of the limbs). He places them all round, for that body extends all round.
4. Here now they say, 'Whereas in the first (four) sets he lays down a single stoma and a single prishtha each time, why, then, does he lay down here (in the centre) two stomas and two prishthas ?' Well, this (central set) is his (Agni's) body: he thus makes the body (trunk) the best, the largest, the most vigorous of limbs"; whence that body is the best, the largest, and most vigorous of limbs.
5. Here now they say, 'How does that Agni of his become made up whole and entire in brick after brick ? '-Well, the formula is the marrow, the brick the bone, the settling the flesh, the sûdadohas the skins, the formula of the purisha (fillings of earth) the hair, and the purisha the food: and thus indeed that Agni of his becomes made up whole and entire in brick after brick.
6. That Agni is possessed of all vital power : verily, whosoever knows that Agni to be possessed of all vital power (@yus), attains his full measure of life (âyus).
7. Now, then, as to the contraction and expansion (of the body). Now some cause the built (altar) in this way? to be possessed of (the power of) contraction and expansion : that Agni indeed is an animal ;
Or,-better, larger, and more vigorous than the limbs. • Viz. by touching, or stroking along, the layer of the altar, and muttering the subsequent formulas.
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