Ixi; Vedic literary categories,
Xxxv ff. vedi, fire-altar, 200; cf. parigrihyâ. veins, 22, 259. vermin in the field, exorcism of,
142, 485; cf. worms. vigrîva, a demon, 70. viligi, designation of a serpent, 28;
cf. âligi. village, the scene of Atharvan per
formances : see gråmayâgin. Virág, a female divinity, 80, 110,
186, 211, 215-6, 219, 221, 593,
647, 667. virility, charm to increase it, 31,
369; charm to deprive a man
of it, 108, 537. visapha (a demon ?), 67, 339. Vishnu, a god, 80, 89, 160, 193, 200,
221, 251, 342, 655. visikha, a demon, 70. Visvakarman, the supreme god, 206,
209, 592, 629, 686. Visvarüpa, son of Tvashtar, 318,
522. Visvavasu, a demon, 319. Vîtahavya, a people, 31; cf. Vaita
havya. Vivasvant, a god, 57, 160, 366. vomiting as a cure for poison, 374. vrishâkapi-Brahmans, 533 n. Vritra, a cloud-demon, 18, 40, 62-3,
79, 81, 91-2, 95, 121, 126, 129, 158, 303, 310, 349, 370, 382, 384, 596; his eye becomes mount Trikakud, 382.
wedding, charms used at, 502, 546;
ceremony at the consummation, 276, 546; of a royal personage,
498. weeds, charm to remove them, 465. wheel, parts of, 493. white-footed arrow, 633, 638; cow
or she-goat, ibid. wife, charm to obtain one, 95, 502 ff.;
of the sacrificer, 180 ff., 185 ff., 610 ff., 645 ff.; wives of the
gods, 162, 167. wild beasts, charm against, 147, 366. will o' the wisp, 411. wishes, charm for obtaining one's,
xlvii, 605; three wishes, 181,
613. wolf and calves, 174; wolves and
sheep, 132, 151. woman, of the waters, 621; truant,
charm to bring her back, 106, 496; women with evil bodily characteristics, 109, 260; fond of the kushtba-plant, 6, 680; sleeping women, described, 105; charms pertaining to women (strikarmâni), 94 ff., 275, 311,
371, 479-80. womb, performances for steadying
it, 284, 467. worms of all sorts, in human beings
and animals, 22-4, 323, 314 tiny 351.
Wagon, parts of, 587; cf. chariot. washerman, 188. waters (divine), 14-5, 161; water,
healing, 40-1, 48; produced by ants, 27; as a remedy against jealousy, 107; for the conse- cration of a king, 111; -animals, varieties of, 157, 621; -plants, 514, 579; -skin, 107; -sprites,
409. weather - prophet, propitiation of,
159, 532.
Yagus, 161, 204, 225-6, 229. Yakshas, a kind of divinities, 161. Yama, god of death, 37, 44, 52, 54,
57, 59, 60, 90, 107, 110, 118, 161, 167, 177, 185-6, 192, 195, 318, 361, 404, 416, 422, 456, 500, 585, 655; horse of, 21;
cf. dogs of Yamna. Yamuna, a river, 62. yâtu, yâtuvid, and yâtudhana: see
sorcerers and sorceries, yellow birds and objects for the
cure of jaundice, 264. younger brother's precedence over
an older, expiation of, 164, 523.
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