646-7; hymn to (purushasûkta),
XXX, 682. Püshan, 99, 116, 135, 143, 159-60,
165, 198, 243-4, 331, 421, 495, 526-8, 542.
rohitani (sc. sûktâni), designation of
the hymns to Rohita, 662. roots, practices with, xliii n, i, liv,
407, 458. ropânâkâ, thrush, 8, 264 n, 266. rope full of teeth (serpent), 368. rotten fish, cures certain diseases,
342. rotten grain, 345. rotten rope in battle-practices, 117,
582. Rudra, 3, 10, 11, 19, 37, 66, 80, 120,
138, 144, 155 ff., 161, 179, 253, 302, 326,389-90, 401, 406, 422, 446 n, 488–9, 495, 506, 581, 586, 604, 618-9, 621, 637; Ru
dras (plural), 119, 135, 161. runaway woman, charm to capture
her, 106, 496. Rûpakas, certain phantoms, 125,
636. rûra, epithet of takman (fever), 273,
449, 568. Rusamas, a people, 197, 690.
Races of men (peoples), five, 92,
201, 204. ragasa (a water-animal ?), 157, 621. raghat (falcon ?), 43, 580. raibhî, designation of certain stanzas,
689 ff.; cf. Rebha. rain-charm, addressed to the Maruts,
267. Rakshas (demons), 9, 32-4, 36-8,
42, 57, 62, 66, 69, 71, 80, 90, 96, 125-6, 163, 187, 190, 205, 282-3, 315, 408, 442, 458, 557,
572. ratna, 'jewels of the king's court,
333 raudragana, designation of certain
mantras, 367, 619, 643. Råvana, a demon, 374. raw meat, eaten by demons, 395;
spell in, 76. razor and strop (kshuro bhrig vân),
197, 691. Rebha (Agni), 690. rectum, 47, 234. red colour, cures jaundice, 263. revatî-stanzas, 208. Ribhus, a kind of divinities, 20, 73,
231, 389, 603. rice, 43, 57, 87, 110, 204, 219, 232,
540. Rik, 161, 204, 225-6, 229. rishihasta, a certain ceremony, 569,
623. Rishis, personifications of qualities,
571 ; seven : see constellations. rita, order of the universe, 15, 228. ritvig, a priest, 204 ; ct. adhvaryu. rival, woman's incantation against,
107, 253, 355. river, charm for conducting it into
a new channel, 146, 348 ; navi
gable, 74, 8o. roads, divinities of, 113 ; cf. Pathyâ
Svasti. robbers, charm against, 147. Rohini, designation of female divi-
nities, 7, 207, 210, 265, 661 ff.,
665-6. Rohita, a sun-god, 207 ff., 265,
661 ff., 683.
Sacrifice, of an enemy frustrated,
90, 557; expiation of imperfections in, 164, 528; human (ransomed), 360; leavings of (ukkbishra) apotheosized, 226 ff., 588,629 ff.; sacrifices and liturgical terms catalogued, 326 ff., 631; sacrificial post (yupa), 201, 203, 213; sacrificial seat (sadas),
203, 210. Sadânváb, demons, 62, 66–7, 301, - 384. Sådhyas, certain divine beings, 119, . 585. Sahasråksha, a god, 473; cf.thousand
eyed. saka-bird, 143, 351 ff. Sakadhûma (weather-prophet), 160,
Sakambhara, personification of ab
normal evacuation, 1, 445; cf.
Apva. Saki, Indra's female, 95, 125-6, 440,
503. Sakra, 117-8, 203; cf. Indra, Ma.
ghavan, and Mahâdeva. sakvari-stanzas, 157, 208. sâlâsava, ceremony of giving away a
house, 595; cf. house, and sava. Sâlâvrikas, jackals, 138, 306. salt (rock-salt), 303, 504, 534, 548.
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