who prac and 530, 52321,
978673"plant, : dhanna), epiz-2,
panaceas, 40-1, 252, 302, 321, 406,
473, 507, 509, 530, 578, 600. pañkakalpa, and -kalpin, a priest
who practices Atharvan sorc.ry,
xxviii, liii. pankti, a metre, 186, 209, 212. pantheon, Vedic, addressed in prayer,
160, 628. panther, 116. påpmagana, a certain list of mantras,
474 Parameshtbin, the supreme god, 80,
84, 308-10, 215, 225, 629, 665,
686. Parganya, a rain-god, 8, 10, 43, 52,
116, 153, 161, 200, 304, 233-6,
588, 623-4. parigrihyâ, designation of a fire-altar
(vedi), 379, 641. Parikshit, a king (Agni), 197 ff.,
691 ff. parikshitî, designation of certain
stanzas, 689 ff. parrots, 8, 144, 264 n. parturition, charm to make it easy,
99, 242. Parushni, a river, 29, 462. Pasupati, a form of Rudra, 155 ff.,
161, 618. Pathya Svasti, a divinity that pro
tects travel, 331; cf. roads. pea-hen (devours serpents), 30, 555. pearl and its shell as an amulet, 62,
383 ff. pebbles, 250. Pedu, a king, 152 ff., 605, 607; cf.
horse, and Paidva-ceremony. physician, social position of, xxxix,
xlviii, I, liv; divine, 389, 454. pigeon, bird of omen, 474. Pila, name of an Apsaras, 33. pindadâna, a ceremony, 259. Pisâkas, a class of demons, 34-7,
57-8, 65, 68, 187, 190, 205, 281-2, 290, 302, 339, 407-9,
475; Pisâki, the female, 301. plants and trees, in general, as heal
ing agents, 41 ff., 44, 578; used in sorcery, xix; against a rival woman, 107; to deprive of virility, 108; arouses love, 102-3; five kingdoms of, 162; names of their fathers and mothers, 419, 421. Names and epithets: abayu (mustard ?), 30, 465; adhyanda, 356; agasringi (me
shasringi), 33, 408; âhva, 118; 582, 584; âla, 30, 236, 358; alâkî, 536; alasala, 30; amalâ (?), 457; apâmârga, 69 ff., 305 n, 393 ff., 429, 487, 556; arâtaki (agasringi), 33; arka-tree, 250; arundhatî, 19-21, 40-1, 144, 289, 305 n, 385, 419, 490-1, 579, 676-7; âsuri-tree, 267; asvattha-tree, 4, 6, 21, 33, 43, 91, 97, 117, 334 ff., 415-6, 460, 496, 505, 582 ff., 585; avakareed, 33-4, 42, 349, 410, 462, 515, 579; bamboo (staff of), 248, 256-7; bânâparni, 355 ; banyan -tree (nyagrodha), 21, 33, 147, 367; barley: see the word; beans : see the word; camphor, 236 n; curcuma, yellow (haridra), 374; darbhagrass, 43, 137, 152-3, 162, 241, 286, 317, 480, 519, 606, 615; dark plant, cures leprosy, 16, 267, 270 ; dhava-tree, 31; "displacer' (vaibâdha), epithet of the asvattha-tree, 91-2, 335; dividhuvaka (reed), 348; dûrva-plant (millet), 147, 258, 515; even-colour,' epithet of a plant to cure leprosy, 16; gangida-tree, 37-9, 280 ff., 403, 443, 670 ff.; gayanti, 420 ; ghritåki (?), 154, 608; givalâ, 5, 41, 56, 491, 677; givanta, 5, 678; gîvanti, 41, 56, 420, 536 n; givi, 536; gourd, 428; haridra : see curcuma ; haritaki, "gallnut,' 236 n; induka=pramanda, 236 n; kadvindu (reed?), 496; kâkamâkî (?), 536 n; kampila and kâmpila, 240, 292, 406; karîra (reed), 452 ; kâsa (reed), 348; kerâ-tree, 250 ; khadiratree, 21, 84, 91, 118, 334 ff., 367, 505, 582, 608; khalva and khalvanga, lentils,' 314-5; kipudru-tree, 40, 530 ff.; krimukatree, 374; krishnala - berries, 239; kudi-plant, 172, 358; kudriki-tree (guduki), 487; kushtba-plant, 'costus speciosus,' 4 ff., 101, 311, 358, 414-5, 436, 441 ff., 448, 451, 676; lâkshâ,
lac,' 19-21, 385, 387, 419; madâvati, an epithet, 26, 30, 374-5, 465; mâmpasya, an epi
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