The dual number of the verb in the next Pâda may be due to the dual number of indrâgnî.
d. This seems to be the full form of the Pâda which occurs previously (st. 4) in a defective form.
Stanza 12.
The same stanza with one variant occurs in a different connection at III, 6, 7. This, as well as the next stanza, seems to be interpolated.
Stanza 13.
It is impossible to reproduce the chain of puns in this clap-trap stanza; yava-yấvâno, moreover, is somewhat ambiguous, as yâvan may come either from yu,' ward off' (so we, with Whitney in the Index Verborum), or yâ, 'go' (so Ludwig). The Pet. Lexs. do not analyse the word, simply translating it 'abwehrend.' Cf. in a general way the hymns II, 7; VI, 91.
Stanza 16.
Pâda a ends at trivárûtham (read sárma as three syllables); udbhú seems to be a gloss. Pâda b is hypermetric, and may be relieved by casting out bráhma and kritám (Henry). For Pâdas c, d, cf. st. 5 c, d, apparently the more original source of the passage.
Stanza 19.
At Îsâ Upanishad IV, the 'one' (ekam) is similarly lauded, nai-nad devâ âpnuvan pûrvam arshat (arsat). Cf. Ath. Paris. 48, 2.
Stanza 22.
Cf. Våg. S. XXIV, 25, 29; AV. II, 31, 2; VI, 50, 3.
Stanza 23.
Manyu is 'courage,' personified; cf. RV. X, 83, 84.
Stanza 25.
The purpose of the passage seems to be to ensure wholesome desires, fit and capable of realisation; evil thoughts,
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