skrit Texts, V, 443; Grill, pp. 15, 182 ff.; Henry, Le livre VII de l'Atharva-véda, pp. 20, 80 ff. Cf. also Ludwig, Der Rigveda, III, 341.
Stanza 1.
Repeated with variants at Våg. S. XXVII, 9; Maitr. S. If, 12, 5; Tait. S. IV, 1, 7, 4; Tait. År. X, 48 (Åndhraversion) Brihaspati and Agni are here one and the same divinity; see VI, 140, 1, and Bergaigne, La Religion Védique, I, 300 ; III, 84. 174. Agni figures prominently in the ayushya-hymns. See II, 28, 2; III, 11, 4; 31, 1. 6; VIII, 1, 11.
Stanza 3. Cf. VIII, 1, 1. 3. Påda b is a gagatî in the midst of trishtubh Padas, as frequently elsewhere. Read taấy. The Anukramani, bhurig.
Stanza 4. a, b. The Paippalâda reads, må två prâno hâsîd yas tve pravishto må spâno svahâya para gåt. For Pâda b, cf. Maitr. S. I, 6, 1 (p. 86, 1. 1): Tait. S. V, 7, 9, 1. Pada a is a trishtubh ; b a catalectic anushtubh. The Anukramani, ushnikgarbhå -rshỉ panktih. Problematic attempts at correction are made by Grill and Henry.
Stansa 7. Cf. RV. I, 150, 10, &c. See the index to v. Schroeder's edition of the Maitr. S., and the introduction to the present hymn.
VII, 56. COMMENTARY TO PAGE 29. A series of shallow therapeutical practices are prescribed by Kaus. 32, 5–7, to wit: 5.' While reciting the hymn (the patient is given to eat the sweetwood) mentioned in the mantra? 6. Natural mud, and mud from an ant-hill are
Cf. st. 2. Thus Kesava, gyeshthîmadhu=yashfimadhu (cf. the introduction to I, 34, and Kaus. 38, 17). Darila, madhâdvâpa, earth from a bee-hive' (cf. Kaus. 29, 10 in the note on V, 13, 7).
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