-he thereby says, 'Quicken him, O gods, so as to be without an enemy;'—'for great chiefdom, for great lordship!' in this there is nothing obscure;'for man-rule!''for the ruling of men,' he thereby says;—'for Indra's energy!''for vigour' he means to say when he says, 'for Indra's energy;'-'him, the son of such and such (a man), the son of such and such a woman); -whatever be his parentage, with reference to that he says this ;-'of such and such a people, that is to say, of the people whose king he is ;-' this man, Oye (people)", is your king, Soma is the king of us Brâhmans!' He thereby causes everything here to be food for him (the king); the Brâhman alone he excepts : therefore the Brâhman is not to be fed upon, for he has Soma for his king.
13. Now those gods have the power of quickening, whence their name 'devasa' (Divine Quickeners). It is those gods who now quicken him thus, and quickened (consecrated) by them he will be consecrated on the morrow.
14. They are double-named, for a coupling means strength: May the strong quicken (him),' thus he thinks, and therefore they are double-named.
15. He now says, 'Pronounce the invitatory prayer to Agni Svishtakrit. And as to why that ceremony is performed here between two offerings ?,-verily Pragàpati is that sacrifice which is here performed, and from which all these creatures were produced, -
1 Here the name of the people, e.g. 'Oye Kurus, o ye Pankâlas !' is inserted. The Taitt. S. reads, Oye Bharatåh.'
* That is to say, the oblations to the Divine Quickeners,' which were inserted between the chief oblation of the (Agnishomiya) pasupurodása and the Svishtakrit of it; see above, parag. 10.
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