proceeds, Vag. S. IV, 20], 'May thy mother grant thee permission, thy father, thine own brother, thy fellow in the herd!' whereby he says, 'Go thou for us to fetch Soma, with the permission of all thy kin.'-'O goddess, go to the god,'-for it is indeed as a goddess, as Vâk, that she goes to a god, to Soma: therefore he says, 'O goddess, go to the god;'-' To Soma for the sake of Indra!' Indra truly is the deity of the sacrifice therefore he says, 'To Soma for the sake of Indra.' 'May Rudra guide thee back!' this he says for her safety, for cattle cannot pass beyond Rudra'. 'Hail to thee! come back, with Soma for thy companion!' whereby he says, ' Hail to thee, come back to us together with Soma!'
21. Even as, at that time, the gods sent her to Soma, and she returned to them together with Soma, so does he now send her to Soma, and she returns to him together with Soma.
22. And as the gods then wooed her with the Gandharvas, and she turned to the gods, so does the sacrificer now woo her, and she turns to the sacrificer. They lead her (the Soma-cow) northwards round (to the place where the Soma is to be sold); for the north is the quarter of men, and hence it is that of the sacrificer: for this reason they lead her northwards round.
1. He follows her, stepping into seven foot-prints of hers 2; he thereby takes possession of her: that
1 Rudra rules over these (cows); the cattle do not pass beyond (nâtiyanti) him; and thus she does not pass beyond him: therefore he says, 'May Rudra turn thee back!' Kânva text.
2 Viz. into seven foot-prints of her right fore-foot. According to
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