order, was in five parts; and by means of those five deities they recognised it.
13. The seasons became confounded, the five: by means of those same five deities they recognised them.
14. The regions became confounded, the five: by means of those same five deities they recognised them.
15. Through Pathyâ Svasti they recognised the northern (upper) region : wherefore speech sounds higher here? among the Kuru-Pañkalas; for she (Pathyâ Svasti) is in reality speech, and through her they recognised the northern region, and to her belongs the northern region.
16. Through Agni they recognised the eastern region: wherefore they take out Agni from behind towards the east, and render homage to him; for through him they recognised the eastern region, and to him belongs the eastern region.
17. Through Soma they recognised the southern region: hence, after the Soma has been bought, they drive it round on the south side; and hence they say that Soma is sacred to the Fathers; for through him they recognised the southern region, and to him belongs the southern region.
18. Through Savitri they recognised the western region, for Savitri is yonder burning (sun): wherefore he goes towards the west, for through him they recognised the western region, and to him belongs the western region.
Atra, there. In the St. Petersb. Dict. uttarâhi is here taken in the sense of in the north,' instead of higher.' See also part i, pref. p. xlii, note 1; Weber, Ind. Stud. I, p. 191.
That is, from the Gârhapatya to the Ahavanîya fire-place.
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