Wisdom and Thought-are meditated upon in his mind.
14. To Sarasvati, to Pushan, to Agni, hail!'he says; for Sarasvati is speech, and the sacrifice also is speech: this deity-Speech-is meditated upon in his mind. Pashan, on the other hand, means cattle, for Pashan means prosperity (pushti), and cattle means prosperity, since the sacrifice means cattle : hence cattle are meditated upon in his mind. And because these deities are meditated upon (à-dhita) in his mind, therefore (these libations) are called adhitayag û mshi.
15. He then offers the fourth libation, with the text, Ye divine, vast, all-soothing Waters! Heaven and Earth, wide Ether! let us render homage unto Brihaspati with offering, hail!' This (libation) truly is nearer to the sacrifice, since he praises the waters, and water is sacrifice. •Heaven and Earth! wide Ether!' he says, because he thereby praises the worlds. Let us render homage unto Brihaspati, with offering, haill' he says; for Brihaspati is the Brahman, and the sacrifice also is the Brahman: for this reason also this (libation) is nearer to the sacrifice.
16. But the fifth libation which he makes with the offering-spoon (sruk), doubtless is the veritable sacrifice; for he offers it with an anushtubh (verse), and the anushtubh is speech and so is the sacrifice.
17. In the first place he pours the butter, which remains in the dhruva, into the guhů. He then ladles with the sruva three times butter from the melting-pot into the guhů : with what he takes the third time he fills the sruva ".
· The third time he holds the sruva over the guhů and pours
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