PART I. (VOL. XII OF SERIES.) Page vii, line 15. Read, -Stambhayagus. P. xvi, 1. 8. Read, -arrangement. P. xxx, 1. 2. Read,-sixty' for forty.' P. xliv, 1. 28. Read, -recensions' for 'relations.' P. 3, 1. a seq. I now take 'pati' in the sense of 'foul,' and would translate
thus,-The reason why he touches water is this: man forsooth is impare; in that he speaks untruth, thereby he is foul within. Now water is pare:
Having become pare, I will enter on the vow,' &c. See Part II, p. 8, n. 1. P. 9, paragraph 18. Cf. mas ignis, quod ibi semen, aqua femina, quod fetus
alitur humore.' Varro, L. L. 5, 61. P. 65, last line. Read, -a composite direction. P. 94, 1. 8. Read, vedi' for 'prastara.' P. 142, 1. 1. Read, -Turn ye back I' for draw near!' see Part II, p. 308, n. 1. P. 166, par. 13. Read,-Now while Indra, being thus pushed aside, was moving
on, be addressed ... P. 183, 1. 6. Dele,-(the moon). P. 210, note 1. Read twice,- sastra' for 'sastra.' P. 321, l. 4 seq. Instead of,—'Before the Rakshas (come),' B. R.'s Dict. inter
prets, perhaps rightly, 'Safely from the Rakshas.' P. 263, par. 27.-These same deities . . .; for an improved rendering, cf. IV,
4, 4, 5-6. P. 308, 1. 11. For,—and in pressing,' read 'to wit, in pressing.' P. 323, 1. 15. 'whom, surely, he would not eat;' for this construction, see Part
II, p. 31, 0. I. P. 338, 1. 9. Read, -Verily, with him ... P. 389, 1. 26. Read, — Âyu' for 'Âyus.'
PART II. (VOL. XXVI.) P. 2, 1. 4. Read, -sacrificer' for 'sacrifice.' P. 31, note 3. Cf. J. Muir, O.S.T. II, p. 114 note. P. 71, pote I. According to Åp. Sr. X, 30, 12 he is to buy the Soma from a
Kautsa Brahman; otherwise from any Brahman; otherwise from one who
is not a Brahman. P. 77, 11. 27, 32. Read, Subrahmanya. P. 103, note 1. Read,-åpyâyanam. P. 128, 1. 26. Read,- (khadis). P. 153, 1.6, to Rudra cf. III, 7, 3, 11. P. 201, l. 4. Read, -Samitar. P. 224, 11. 17-20. Dele thrice for.' P. 267, par. 10. Cf. A. Bergaigne, La Religion Védique, I, p. 171. P. 286, note 3. Read, -sadasyânâm hotrânâm. P. 305, last line. Cf. Ap. XI, 20, 1 (pravrita-homa). P. 324, 11. 8, 9. Read, -Sukra. P. 334, note 2. Cf. Atharva-veda V, 4, 3; Kuhn, Herabkunft, p. 126 seq. P. 441, 1.15. Read, -all-beneficent.
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