ritu-graha, oblations for seasons, II,
318 seq.; -pâtra, 407. Robini (nakshatra), I, 283. Rudra, purification after mention-
ing his name, I, 3; identified with Agni (Sarva, Bhava, Pasûnam pati), 201; is the newlykindled fire, 340; pierces Pragâpati, 309; to Rudra is due what is injured in the sacrifice, 211; pursues creatures, 340; Tryambaka oblations to Rudra, on a cross-road, 438; the mole sacred to him, 440; Rudra with Vasus, II, 59; the Rudras ac- company Soma, 93; (pasūnâm ishte, 153. See Tvashtri); Indra with Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas, 241, 350; Rudra offi- ciates as Hotri, 348; eleven Rudras, eight Vasus, and twelve Adityas, 411.
sabhya, hall-fire, 1, 302; resides with
man (as Anasnat sângamana),
338; worship of, 339. sacrifice, Indo-Iranian, I, introd.
xv, 49; is man, 78; II, 25, 126; passes from priest to priest, I, 140 seq.; from father to son, 162; as tortoise, 161; place of, II, i seq.; Brâhman, Râganya, and Vaisya, able to sacrifice, 4; of equal measure with the year, 16; is invisible, 19; is speech, 23, 24; the Brahman, ib.; fivefold, 24; changed into a horse, 89; animal sacrifice, 162 seq.; the Sacrifice (Yaghia) is Soma, 146; fashioned like a
bird, 264. sacrificer (yagamâna), is the victim,
1, 49, 62, 78; his foot used for
measuring uttara-vedi, II, 119. sacrificial essence (medba), 1, 50. Sadânirâ, I, introd. xlii, 104 seq. Sadas (text), is Yagha's belly, II,
127; construction of, 140 seg.; sacred to Indra, 141; is common
to gods and men, 146. sadasya, II, 286. sådhyâb, 'blessed' gods, II, 174. sadyabkri, kind of Soma-sacrifice, II,
114. Saladeva Sârágaya, I, 376.
Saharakshas, messenger of Asuras, I,
110; II, 115. sahasrî, II, 414. Sâkamedhấb (seasonal sacrifice), 1,
384, 408 seq.; cake to Agni Anikavat, 408; karu to Marutab sântapanåb, 409; ditto gribamedhinâb, ib.; darvihoma, 415; cake to Maruts, 416; mabahavis,
417 seq.; Pitriyagia, 430. Sakvari metre, II, 226. sâlâ (hall), measure of, II, 3. salt, used for hearth, I, 278. saman, 1, 100; is the truth, II, 97. samaropana, lifting or mounting of
fire, I, 396. samavatta, cuttings from ida, I, 119;
II, 203; -dhani, 207. sambhâra, 1, 276 seq. Sâmgivi-putra, I, introd. xxxii seq. samf leaves, offered at Varunapra
ghâsâb, 1, 395. samidh, I, 91 seq., 95 seq., 146,
152. sâmidheni, I, 95 seq.; II, 13. samishtayagus, one, 1, 262 seq., 445;
three, 390, 406, 418; nine, II, 374; the end of the sacrifice,
13, 374 seq. samitri, butcher, cooks the victim,
11, 200. samsrava, offering of, I, 236. samsthâ, II, 398. samya, yoke-pin, used as wedge, I,
29; II, 116 seq. samyagye, I, 164, 307. Samyu Bảrhaspatya, I, 354. samyuvâka, I, 236, 247, 254 seq. Sanda and Marka, two Asuras, II,
279 seq. sandhya, twilight worship, I, 344. Sandilya, I, introd. xxxi seq., xlvi. sân nàyya, 1, 162, 178 seq., 381. saptahotra, 1, 223. sarabba, I, 52. Sarasvati, river, I, 104 seq. Sarasvati, goddess, oblation to, I,
418; speech, II, 22; animal
offering to, 218. sarpana, II, 299. sarparaghi, II, 451. Sarva (Rudra-Agni), I, 201. Saryâta Mânava, 11, 273 seq. sasni, I, 15. Jastra, twelve at Agnishtoma, II,
303, 325 seq.
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