offers the gift offerings. Having tied a piece of gold in a fringed cloth', and laid it into the spoon), he offers. May there be a place for me in the world of the gods!' With this hope he offers whoever offers: that same sacrifice of his goes to the world of the gods; and behind it goes the gift he gives to the priests, and holding on to the gift follows the sacrificer.
7. Now, there are four (kinds of) gifts to priests,gold, the cow, cloth, and the horse. But it is not proper that he should lay a horse's foot or a cow's foot (into the spoon): hence he ties up a piece of gold in a fringed cloth, and having laid it (into the spoon) he offers.
8. He offers with two verses to the Sun. For yonder world is shut off by darkness; and dispelling the darkness by that light he reaches the heavenly world: therefore he offers with two verses to the Sun.
9. He offers with this gayatri verse (Vág. S. VII, 41; Rig-veda I, 50, 1), 'The lights bear on high that divine knower of beings, Sarya, that all may see him,-Hail!'-for the gâyatrt is this earth, and she is a safe resting-place: hence he thereby stands firmly on this safe resting-place.
10. He then makes the second offering with this trishtubh verse (Vág. S. VII, 42; Rig-veda I, 115, 1), 'The brilliant front of the gods hath risen,
of ghee. For the Hotri's formulas, see Âsv. Sr. V, 13, 14. For the proper place of these offerings in the performance, see p. 336, note 2.
1 Or rather, in a cloth such as is used at a dasahoma, or oblation at which the fringe (or unwoven end) of a cloth is used (dasáhomiya).
. That is, either face' or 'van-guard,' anika.
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