the sacrifice to the gods, it is them he thereby satisfies together, thinking, 'Satisfied and pleased they shall convey the sacrifice to the gods :' therefore they make the fire-priests offer together.
33. When (the libation of) the first, or last? firepriest has been offered, he addresses them (Vág. S. VII, 15), 'Let the priests' offices be satisfied, they that have obtained a good sacrifice of sweet drink; they that are well-pleased, when they have obtained good offering with Svâhâ !' for this is the satisfaction of the priests' (offices). Thereupon he approaches (to the Hotri's hearth) and sits down with his face to the west, with •The Agnidh hath sacrificed!' for on this occasion the Agnidh sacrifices last of those that sacrifice: hence he says, “The Agnidh hath sacrificed.'
1. The Ågrayana graha, forsooth, is his self (body, trunk), and as such it is his all; for this self is one's all. Therefore he draws it by means of this (earth), for of her is the bowl ?, and with a bowl he draws this (libation); and this (earth) is all, as this
Haviryagña. See part i, p. 256. Indeed Mahîdhara identifies the hotrâs with the metres of the offering-formulas, thus treating them as a kind of deities.
1 The order of the dhishnya-priests is (1. Hotri), 2. Prasastri (Maitrâvaruna), 3. Brâhmanakhamsin, 4. Potri, 5. Neshtri, 6. Akhávâka--the fires of all of whom are in the Sadas--and 7. the Agnidh (in the Âgnidhra fire-house). The Akhâvaka, however, is for the present excluded from offering.
2 Viz. inasmuch as the bowl is made of clay,-asyâh prithivyâh sakâsât stháli bhavati utpadyate ; Sây. The Âgrayana, Ukthya, and Dhruva grahas are drawn in a sthâlî (pot or bowl).
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