because I knew thee not, therefore have I offended thee; here is Sukanya ?, with her I make atonement to thee : let my tribe live at peace together!' And from that same time his tribe lived at peace together. But Saryâta, the Mânava, departed a forthwith, lest he should offend him a second time.
8. Now the Asvins then wandered about here on earth performing cures. They came to Sukanya, and desired to win her love; but she consented not thereto.
9. They said, 'Sukanya, what a decrepit, ghostlike man is that whom thou liest with ; come and follow us!' She said, 'To whom my father has given me, him will I not abandon, as long as he lives!' But the Rishi was aware of this.
10. He said, 'Sukanya, what have those two said to thee?' She told him all; and, when she had told him, he said, 'If they speak to thee thus again, say thou to them, “But surely, ye are neither quite complete nor quite perfect, and yet ye deride my husband !” and if they say to thee, “In what respect are we incomplete, in what respect imperfect?” say thou to them, “Nay, make ye my husband young again, and I will tell you!" They came again to her, and said to her the same thing.
11. She said, “But surely ye are neither quite complete nor quite perfect, and yet ye deride my husband!' They said, 'In what respect are we incomplete, in what respect imperfect?' She said, 'Nay, make ye my husband young again, and I will tell you l'
1 That is, the fair maiden.'
* That is, ' he broke up his camp and departed with his tribe' (so 'payuyuge grâmah, Kanva recension).
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