four times he performs the Nigrâbha,—this makes ten, for of ten syllables consists the virág, and Soma is of virág nature: therefore he completes (the ceremony) in ten times.
20. Then as to why he performs the Nigrâbha. Now when he (Soma) first became sacrificial food for the gods, he set his heart on those (four) regions, thinking, 'Could I but consort with those regions as my mate, my loved resort !' By performing the Nigrâbha, the gods then made him consort with the regions as his mate, his loved resort; and in like manner does this (sacrificer) now, by performing the Nigrâbha, make him (Soma) consort with those regions as his mate, his loved resort.
21. He performs with (Vâg. S. VI, 36), 'From east, from west, from north, from south-from every side may the regions resort to thee! whereby he makes him consort with the regions as his mate, his loved resort. 'O mother, satisfy (him)! may the noble meet together?!' A mother
a strainer) the Adhvaryu then pours the Soma-juice from the pressing-skin into the vessel. After the third turn the pressing-stone itself is put into the Hotri's cup, either with or without the muttering of the Nigrábha formula. According to the commentary on Kâty. IX, 4, 27, the Soma-juice is transferred from the skin to the Upâmsu cup, by the straining-cloth being made to imbibe the juice and then being pressed out so as to trickle down through the plants between the Pratiprasthâtri's fingers. The description given by Haug, Ait. Br., Transl. p. 489, is somewhat different.
1 The interpretation of this formula is very doubtful. The author evidently takes 'arîh' as nom. plur. of 'ari' ( = arya); but it does not appear how he takes 'nishpara,' while Mahîdhara explains it by
pūraya (give him, Soma, his fill).' The St. Petersburg Dict. sug. gests that nishpara 'may mean come out l' and that arîh' seems to be a nom. sing. here. I take the last part of the formula to mean, 'May he (Soma) win (or, perhaps, join) the longing (waters)!'
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