gods) carried off that sap of the sacrifice to a place free from danger and injury.
22. And so does that (Adhvaryu) now go (to the water) with the wives; the Gandharvas hanker after the wives, and he carries off that sap of the sacrifice to a place free from danger and injury.
23. He offers (the ghee) upon the water; for that sap of the sacrifice, indeed, draws near to that oblation, when offered; it rises (to the surface) to meet it; and having thus brought it to light, he seizes it.
24. And again why he offers this oblation : he thereby pours out (ghee) towards that sap of the sacrifice, and draws it to him, and craves it of the waters. And, indeed, he pleases those deities to whom he offers that oblation, and thus satisfied and pleased they fit that sap of the sacrifice together for him.
25. He offers with (Vậy. S. VI, 27), 'Ye divine waters,—the son of waters;' the waters are indeed divine, hence he says, 'Ye divine waters, the son of waters ;' That wave of yours, suitable for offering;' whereby he means to say, "That wave of yours which is suitable for the sacrifice;' 'Mighty, most grateful;' by 'mighty' he means to say 'powerful,' and by 'most grateful' he means to say 'most sweet ;' 'Give ye that unto those gods among the gods,' in saying this he has craved it of them; 'The drinkers of the pure (Soma);' the pure, doubtless, is the truth; in saying, 'the drinkers (pa) of the pure,' he means to say, 'the defenders (pa) of the truth ;'Whose portion ye are, Hail!' for this indeed is their portion.
26. Thereupon he makes that oblation (ghee) float away by means of the Maitrâvaruna's cup, with (Vậg. S. VI, 28), Thou art furrowing! Even
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